I like to think that nature is a free museum. The most prestigious museums of the world—like my favorite, the Louvre—are accessible at a cost. Yes, we can enjoy incredible, exquisite human art forms in these places, but for a price. When it comes to nature, though, we can experience its phenomenal artwork, historical artifacts, perfectly curated displays of color, contrasting textures, and intricate forms every single day, freely and abundantly. One of the most incredible displays of nature's art happens daily: we call it sunset. In the entire history of our planet, no two sunsets have been identical. Even the most luxurious museums are adorned by this most common phenomenon. It’s astounding.

Nature continues to faithfully awe the human mind. Although there's so much in it to explore—its beauty, history, creativity, craft, the ingenuity of everything that surrounds us, not to mention the wondrous feelings they stir in our hearts—my mind is brought to the fact that nature teaches us powerful lessons in social relations. There's a sense of equality present in nature's very core. Each human being, in every culture, land, of every creed, skin tone, language, or social status, in any place of the world has access to an array of art shows such as the sunrise for free, every day! We've learned many things from nature—mathematics, chemistry, physics, aesthetics, to name a few. But it's rather surprising that nature would give us the opportunity to learn to be human.
Nature is constantly teaching us important life lessons. Generosity and equality are the ones on my heart today. If we wanted to, we could spend every second of every day of our lives marveling at the beauty and intricacy of some new phenomenon in nature. All given freely and abundantly to all. But ultimately, this same generosity with which we're treated carries an implicit demand: the responsibility to pass it along, to be generous, to treat equally. The responsibility to notice it, to not take it for granted. To do unto others as we're done by. The Golden Rule.
Every day is an invitation. Don’t let the beauty, the generosity, the intrinsic worth of life stop in you or pass by unnoticed.
Take a little time to take in the colors of the sky and to marvel at the wonderful gift of life we’ve received. Share the moment with a friend. Above all, allow yourself to be amazed! There’s always something new to learn and something good and beautiful to share. The more we take notice, the more we grow our humanity.